Did you learn about the next generation Internet of Things (IOT)?


Internet of things is one of the most important technologies of everyday life basically used for connecting devices from anywhere to internet for the purpose of data sharing with the computers, smartphones in the form of digital transformation as the technologies and generation been upgraded. The main aim of these things or items is to exchange information between them and transmit data to other devices and systems and they can usually also received data.

The Internet of Things (IoT)  have a ubiquitous existence now such as  features like augmented reality, high-resolution video streaming, self-driven cars, smart environment, e-health care, etc. These utilization require higher data-rates, large bandwidth, increased capacity, low latency and high throughput. In light of these emerging concepts for the next generation of 5G-IOT with the best pros as follows

  • New Enhanced Services
  • Cost reduction
  • Proactive maintenance
  • Utilization improvement
  • Minimum user interaction

5G is the foundation for realizing the full potential of IoT and the best choice for all IoT networks. Organizations will continue to use a variety of connectivity including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and 4G NB-IoT, and could also serve deployments of fewer devices that need lots of bandwidth


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